This 50min somatic practice is designed to help you come home to yourself—to nourish you, reset your nervous system and help you drop deep into your body and your heart. You can use it as a daily nourishing practice or for times when you feel exhausted, in your head or just disconnected from yourself.
You will need:
a mat
pillows or bolster
soft music if you prefer it
This practice is designed to help your nervous system rewire and shift into a state of repair. It is not a practice to do when you feel rushed. This is a practice for a time when you have the time to linger, savor and indulge in resting. It is great to do this before bed or at a time when you don’t have much going on after and can just rest.
Some things that may happen during or after practice:
you may get hungry, you may fall asleep, you may drop deeper into your heart and have emotions come up, you may feel renewed, you may do things s l o w e r, you may be more present. Whatever your experience, may it serve you and I hope you enjoy it.
If you want to share feedback about this experience, i’ll be happy to hear from you.
Please email me to embodiedinessence@gmail.com
may you feel nourished from within,